Angel Tarot Card Readings
The Angel Card Readings with Marilyn Devonish are very similar to the traditional Tarot Card Readings, however the Angel cards carry gentler images than the old Tarot decks. The messages and meanings of the cards however are the same, and all of the original 78 Tarot Cards are included and reflected in the Angel Tarot Deck.

The Readings typically take place over the phone or via Skype. If it is geographically convenient they can also be done by Marilyn Devonish in person. The information conveyed and impact of the Reading is the same whether done in person or remotely.
The Angel Cards and Tarot Cards act as a pointer and to what is going on for you, and where you are in your life. They also have a tendency to highlight issues or areas that you have been unwilling or unable to face or bring to the surface. Many people find that the Readings highlight what is going on unconsciously, or mirror situations that are currently happening in your life. The cards also give a
sense of potential next steps, and things that might potentially unfold or come to pass in the future. It also gives pointers to things to be aware of, look out for, or change. The client often knows the ‘answer’ and simply hasn’t been able to articulate it or get clarity and perspective.
One of my Angel Card clients put it beautifully:
"Having worked with Marilyn Devonish before, I know she is highly perceptive and intuitive, so trusted that the reading would be interesting to say the least! It isn't a case of the cards 'telling your fortune' it's all about them reflecting your current situation back at you, so you can clearly see what areas need to be worked on. Marilyn's interpretation of the cards is clear, concise and understandable, and she is adept at picking up the subtleties of your individual circumstances. I was reminded, as I often am, that when the angels want you to know something they create paths to it."
You can choose any question or issue, relating to any aspect of life. This might include Relationships, Career, Finances and Money, Health, Mindset, Wellbeing, or Success. At the start of the Reading you will be asked to focus on a specific issue or question, and you will think about the question and hold it in mind. Marilyn prefers that you do not verbalise the question until the reading is over. Previous clients have been "Blown away" by the accuracy, regardless of the fact that Marilyn didn’t know what the question was.

Essentially yes. All of the decks are used in the same way. Both the traditional Tarot Card deck, and the Angel Card Tarot deck consists of 78-cards, including what is known as the Major and Minor Arcana. The themed Angel Card decks typically contain 44 or 45 cards.
In addition to the Angel Tarot Cards, you have a choice of several card decks when doing an Angel Card Reading with Marilyn Devonish, (these include Healing with the Angels, Messages from the Angels, and the Archangel Oracle cards). Marilyn will explain the options available at the start of your Session.

- 1. Please decide on the type of Reading that you would like (Basic, In-Depth, or Advanced).
- 2. Make a Payment using the PayPal options above.
- 3. Send an e-mail to: to book a date and time for your Reading. Please put ‘Angel Reading’ in the subject line.
Marilyn will also send you a photograph of the card spread and Reading as people have found it useful to review and meditate on them after the Reading.

For those doing the Advanced Reading you will also receive an audio recording of the session so that you can listen to it in more detail at a later date because Marilyn does tend to cover an extraordinary amount of information and detail during the Readings. As another client put it:
"Oh, by the way, did I say how impressed I was in your ability to get over 60 minutes of information to me in less than 30 minutes? Fabulous value!"Testimonials
What people have said about Marilyn's Angel Card Readings
"Thank you Marilyn for an excellent Angel Card reading today. I began with one issue in my mind, but decided to focus on another issue. I was amazed your reading was specifically answering my main intention and not the one I thought was right. In fact, I got the feeling the latter issue was more of a non-issue in the big scheme of things. Frankly, I was surprised how accurate your readings were as it pertained directly to my radio station, UnTangled FM. You highlighted important points about leadership and staying focused on purpose giving me brilliant clarity about my road ahead. Thank you very much for such an excellent reading. I am most happy to wholeheartedly recommend you as an Angel Card reader as soon as you are ready. Oh, by the way, did I say how impressed I was in your ability to get over 60 minutes of information to me in less than 30 minutes? Fabulous value! I wish you the best of success in this next phase of your life journey."
Love, light and infinite blessings,
Harun Rabbani,
Creator of Untangled FM Website:
"Thanks so much! That was gorgeous - I wasn't sure how clear I was (in terms of asking the questions) and yet what you came up with made so much sense on both business, love life and another personal issue levels. Love it :)
And, by the way, even though today's the first time we've actually spoken, since I've got to know you a bit on Facebook with your gorgeous mix of energy work and more corporate stuff, you've inspired me to bring more of myself into all I do.
Thanks again!"
Eve Menezes Cunningham
"I heard Marilyn had started Angel Card Readings? What? That’s the question I asked myself – what’s an Angel Card Reading? Since I had no idea what this reading comprised of, I cautiously volunteered anyway. Marilyn explained how long it would take and what would happen. Lo and behold, and somewhat surprised, it was a painless process. But what truly amazed me about this reading was the uncanny accuracy. The reading highlighted where I currently am in my life and what’s about to come and to say that I am not excited is an understatement, in the least.
I also believe…no…KNOW…that as a guide herself, Marilyn is well suited for the role of being an Angel Card Reader and I can see her empowering other lives around her. I say may she long continue to do so. KWAME MCPHERSON (A couple of days after the reading, a particular event that showed up in the cards unexpectedly popped up out of the blue!)"
Kwame McPherson
"Having worked with Marilyn before, I know she is highly perceptive and intuitive, so trusted that the reading would be interesting to say the least! It isn't a case of the cards 'telling your fortune' it's all about them reflecting your current situation back at you, so you can clearly see what areas need to e worked on. Marilyn's interpretation of the cards is clear, concise and understandable, and she is adept at picking up the subtleties of your individual circumstances. I was reminded, as I often am, that when the angels want you to know something they create paths to it. Having the reading solidified my existing thoughts towards what I needed to be addressing and has given me the impetus I need to get back to it. Intuitive, charismatic and non judgmental, Marilyn made the experience wholly creditable and intelligent. Fabulous."
Lisa Howells
"Well what a day I have had today. Let’s start with my drive home last night... The south to the north and 3 hours drive time. Utilizing hands free I had a call with Marilyn who was doing her magic with the Angel Cards for the course she is doing. Marilyn Devonish asked me to think of a question which I did, I did not tell her what the question was and 3 cards were interactive rather than just one. The answer was so spot on I was shocked and amazed. Then we did another question and this one was work related - although I was pleased with the answer I had no idea how accurate it would be until I got home an hour later. There in my email box was the answer Marilyn had come up with while I was in the car driving. Brilliant Marilyn Totally On Point... keep going you are brilliant at this... Thank you!"
Gina Batt
"Marilyn Devonish you are amazing!!!!! I had an fabulous have a real more practicing required...You are fantastic really helpful and so at the right time...another string to your amazing business...thank you thank you thank you..xx"
Tracy Hilliard
"I had a reading with Marilyn and she proved to be extremely insightful and tuned in perfectly, not only to my direct question but also to the unspoken related issues around my question which I had been conflicted about. It was helpful and I was very impressed by her intuitive reading."
Kim Russell
"Marilyn invited me to think of a question in my mind then choose from 3 packs of cards. The one that came up at first seemed a bit strange but her interpretation made what it meant very clear to me. She explained all the elements of the card and it then made sense. A very helpful reading with useful insights and recommendations. Marilyn obviously understands the meaning behind the cards and was able to explain the one that came up in a useful way. Immediately after the reading I took action and connected with someone who could help me with my issues which is what my question was about. Thank you."
Marilyn Devonish is a Doreen Virtue Certified Angel Card Reader®. Marilyn started working with the more traditional Tarot deck back in 1998, and has been doing intuitive Coaching, Mindset Enhancement, and Energy based emotional clearing work since October 2000.
Marilyn is also a Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy™, Certified PhotoReading Instructor™, and Certified Access Bars Facilitator. She is also a Certified Practitioner in EFT, EmoTrance, DNA Theta Healing, Quantum Touch, Positive EFT, Energetic NLP, Reiki, Archetypal Profiling, Access Consciousness, and Hawaiian Huna and Ho’opononpono.
To book yourself a confidential Angel Card Reading or Breakthrough Session, see below.
Angel Card Readings
The TranceFormation™ Breakthrough Process is designed to clear and resolve any emotional blockages or limiting beliefs that stand in the way of you achieving your desired outcomes. Typically
the pre-curser to undertaking the Diamond, Platinum, or Gold Coaching Programmes, although available as standalone sessions, the TranceFormation™ Breakthrough Process takes you through 4 key stages in order to let go of old blocks and barriers from the past, and really start creating your future.
Stage 1 is getting to and uncovering the root cause of what is going on, and identifying what is really holding you back. Stage 2 is all about resolving the root cause and removing blocks and barriers once and for all (which is how I went from painfully quiet and shy, to now doing live TV, radio, and public Keynote addresses as part of my every day work). Stage 3 is identifying new strategies, mindset and behaviours so that you create natural new habits, beliefs and behaviours, and Stage 4 is the future pacing and intention and goal setting in order to get things moving and help keep you on track.
To download further information about the TranceFormation™ Breakthrough Process or to get started with Free Resources and mp3 downloads go to: