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Breakthrough Sessions with Marilyn
Marc Foster, Currency Trader and Nu Skin Gene Targeted Therapy Consultant.
If you would like further details about the Huna and Access Consciousness Breakthrough Sessions go to: www.accessconsciousnesssessions.eventbrite.com
If you would like a free copy of the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement and Starter Questions e-mail: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com and put 'Access Statement' in the subject line.

"After a negative experience during one of my trainings which left me in a strange place, I decided to get in touch with Marilyn for some help. I knew Marilyn was a fantastic coach, NLP trainer and therapist. I also knew I needed to deal with this personal issue because it had been haunting me for a good few weeks.
It wasn’t until I spent a full day with Marilyn that I discovered that this particular issue had been there most of my adult life and was holding my business back from achieving great things. Well, after our 2 half day sessions, the problem was gone! Vanished!It was an amazing feeling to walk away from Marilyn’s coaching sessions feeling really empowered, free and light again. I can honestly say as a direct result of working with Marilyn, I have been able to take my business to a new level. She's wonderful.
I made more money in the 3 months that we worked together than I did in the entire 12 months last year, and sales have gone through the roof. I am so glad I called you and took time out to be guided by a truly master trainer, coach, and above all, a kind and beautiful woman. If stuff comes up again you know who I'm gonna call! I can't wait to have you delivering your fab PhotoReading Workshop for all our students."
David KeyNLP Trainer
Managing Director
Auspicium Limited
W: http://auspicium.co.uk/

"I remember attending the PhotoReading Course with Marilyn Devonish and being worried about a pending TEDx talk I was scheduled to deliver in just over a months’ time... I was petrified.. I didn't see myself as a speaker, and while I knew I had a powerful story to share I wasn't sure how to deliver it and had racked up a few negative experiences around public speaking in the past!
When I heard about The Magic Programme I jumped at the chance to participate. I knew it was for me as I needed a little magic in my life.. If only to make it through the TEDx talk.
I worked through my speaking angst with a combination of Breakthrough Coaching Sessions with Marilyn and Matrix Reimprinting and went on to deliver a talk that has now been watched and shared by over 1000 people. That, however was just the beginning . . . Since then I have been asked to speak at several events. From meetups to the BBC and each and every time I have delivered beyond my wildest expectations and to high acclaim...
Simply MAGIC!
If you're thinking about enrolling on the Magic Programme and wondering if it’s the right thing to do... Take a look at the clip below and click the sign up button. It's certainly worth every penny."
Erika Brodnock
Karisma Kidz
Email: Erika@karismakidz.co.uk
Website: www.karismakidz.co.uk

"Marilyn has that rare combination of a person who is brings a joyful energy into her work, talent, and expertise. She is compassionate, talented, and has really worked at developing and adding to her talents. She combines many modalities, including Energetic NLP into her own unique, loving, and powerful way to work with people. I highly recommend her work!"
ART GISER, the Creator of Energetic NLPart@EnergeticNLP.com

"Marilyn Devonish is a well spoken Trainer and Presenter who engages her audiences being aware of the reactions to what she says. She strives to make sure that everyone understands what she teaches and if not takes the time to do so. Marilyn is energetic and outgoing, fit to be a leading presenter (lady) even in a Hollywood movie if it came to that."

"Dear Marilyn,
My name is Merselien Mai from Suriname, South America. A couple of years ago, I saw a Success University video of you about NLP. This video inspired me so much that I constantly thought of becoming a NLP therapist myself. Having procrastinated for years to make the decision, I finally enrolled with an NLP company in South Africa recently. I am now in week two of the course and very exited about what is ahead.
Thank you for the inspiration."
Merselien Mai
"Dear Marilyn~~ so many healings you sent have WORKED . . .I just heard from my Oncologist that the last PET/CT scan was.. to quote..: "great" in the 11 years, I have never heard that put quite like that, so a million thanks to you, special lady another test I have just completed showed an ulcer, but nothing major, just no stress, the right food, etc."

"A HUGE Thank You Marilyn for the Power of Three Programme! I have had some massive breakthroughs already in preparation for the coming year and now expect the most massive growth, expansion, learning's, connections in the coming months. My very thought patterns and feelings and experience has shifted! It seems like I am living in a new world! Phenomenal!"

"Wow that was an amazing hypnosis session!! You are so gifted at what you do – wow I am still reeling and feeling amazing! Thanks!!"

"Thanks Marilyn Devonish for a wonderful session which I am still buzzing from!!"
JEMMA PRITTIE, CO-FOUNDER OF SOLAR EVENTSWhat my Clients have said about these transformational processes and sessions:
“Wow, what a fantastic experience which is now changing how I view my life and everyone in it”
“The breakthrough session has given me the precise results that I wanted. I admit that I was doubtful that it would work but it has. I couldn't ask for more.”
“I don't know quite what you did during my breakthrough session but I do know that it is now over 2 weeks since my session and I can now hardly remember that I had a problem. It just doesn't occur to me to carry out the same patterns of self-destructive behaviours that I have done for years.”
“I really think there was something about you as a person-your particular personality-that helped the process work for me beyond the impact the process would have had in itself”
“Extensive counselling, the support of friends and my own efforts have more or less got me through but nothing has ever really made me take control of myself”
“I feel lighter, calmer and more balanced than I used to and I realise (at last) that I do have choice over how I behave”
For further information about this special 3-Day PhotoReading Training where we cover additional information on Intuition and Memory, please go to: www.photoreadinglvb.eventbrite.com